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Child Education Support Program: Mid-Day Meal

Childhood is probably the best time of one’s life, when no worries can touch us as we knit colorful dreams and pass days under the care of our parents. But there are many children who struggle with the basic requirements to live a life like a human.

On 4th August, 2018, Dream a Difference met seventy children in “Ashray” – a part-time school – where children of vegetable hawkers, rickshaw pullers, maids and so on from nearby slums are given an education at the primary level. However, these children are also victims of malnutrition and poor health.

Dream a Difference spent the day with the children and sponsored a Mid Day Meal for them, followed by some goodies and educational stationeries distribution among them. The delight of that special treat could be seen in their eyes. The joy on their faces is the only reward was ever expected by Dream A Difference. To keep the smiles brighten on those cute, little faces; Dream a Difference took a pledge to help the children with the supply of stationeries frequently.


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